Who would win?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Karate stances are rarely used in MMA but are perfectly balanced

When practiceing MMA the very first thing you need to learn and perfect is your stance. Your stance will affect how well you move and well you can certain things. Like a wrestlers stance is usually much lower then a boxers stance so they can attack their oppenents legs and go for the take down while the boxers stance is taller and a little more straight so they can hit their oppent in the face easier as well as easily avoid and block punchs to their face. Most MMA fighters pick a stance some where in the middle of the two with slight adjustments so they can do what they like to do easy but they don't leave holes open for an opponent of a diffrent fighting style to abuse.
Picture of  a strikeing focused MMA stance
they are clearly more confortable strikeing
but provide enough balnce to prevent takedowns
This image is a little over dramatic but you can see how a wrestler would easily be punched and kicked multiple time while the boxers would easily be taken down but the MMA fighter could counter act both styles

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