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Friday, May 25, 2012

Fight Anatomy

One of the most important parts of fighting is knowing where to hit your opponent. There are multiple weak points in the body that a person should aim for if trying to do damage and knock the opponent out

HEAD: Nose: The nose is a very sensitive part of the body a good strike to the nose will cause pain, distortion, watery eyes which will cause blurred vision, and if it's hit hard enough the nose will break causing even more pain, blood to gush from the nose and breathing problems see a solid jab or cross to the nose can cause big problems.

                           Temples: The temples are the soft spots on the sides of your head they are extremely sensitive and when hit can cause, dizziness, pain, distortion and lose of consciousness. When throwing hooks aim for the temples

Eyes: The eyes are very sensitive points on the body this is common knowledge there for a solid jab or cross to an eye will cause your opponent to be in pain, be stunned and see alot less clear.

                           Ears: Are weak and should also be aimed for when throwing a hook a good shot to the ear will cause amazing pain, distortion, ringing ears, dizziness and lose of consciousness

                          Soft under jaw: When throwing an uppercut try to hit right infront of the throat and under the jaw this spot is a pressure point that hurts like hell and well cause a knock out. UPPER BODY: Solorplexus: The solorplexus is the soft spot right where the ribs begin to separate. A strong, straight punch to the solorplexus will cause sever pain as well as problems breathing, lose of consciousness has a small chance of occurring

                                                  Liver: The liver is located right underneath the right side of the ribs and right above the right hip. A solid hook or shovel hook (Hook/ Uppercut hybrid) to the liver will cause extreme pain, distortion and a technical or total lose of consciousness.

                                                Pancreas: The pancreas is very similar to the liver the only diffrence is that its located on the opposite side of the body.

LOWER BODY: Knees: The knees are nice and weak a good kick to the knees will cause some discomfort and cause the legs to buckle and if the knee is dislocated you earn a TKO victory,
                                              Inside the theigh: An inside leg kick is dangerous because you may hit the groin but if your careful and do the move right this is a very painful kick and will cause the leg to go numb and can cause lose of balance

                                             Ancles:  Hitting the ancles can cause some pain but the main point of a good ancle kick is to knock your opponent off balance and put them on the ass.

                                           Shins: Getting kicked in the shin hurts........Alot...... its that simple.

                                Back of the head
                                Neck and Throat
                                Poke to the eyes

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